Our Mission
Our founder has an unrelenting passion for increasing awareness of the struggles that men face surrounding their mental health and breaking the stigma around speaking out and asking for help.
He has experienced his own personal mental health challenges throughout life, from a troubled upbringing, many years working in mines living the ‘fly in fly out’ lifestyle, and unfortunately losing many mates and colleagues along the way. These challenging events have inspired our founders’ passion and commitment to the cause of breaking the stigma around men’s mental health.
'Chin up' came to mind as a name for our business as it incorporates the masculine stereotype that men must 'toughen up' and 'keep your chin up' when experiencing struggles. Our mission is to work against this mentality, to reduce shame, to empower men to speak up and ask for support when needed.
No man is an island. When we support each other, we can all become better. This motto has inspired us not only to support our brothers in Australia but to reach out to an international community to do what we can to give back to those in need. 19. Check out our Instagram and TikTok to see how we’re giving back @chinupmentalhealth
Join our community and get yourself and your mates Chin Up Mental Health merchandise at our Shop Now page. Feel good in your new fit, spread awareness, and help support communities in need.